
2024년 10월 23일(수)~25일(금)


행사 주요일정

  • 논문발표신청서 제출 2024.08.14(수) ~ 09.23(월)까지
  • 논문제출 및 비용납부 2024.09.09(월) ~ 09.23(월)까지
  • 사전등록 접수 2024.09.30(월) ~ 10.18(금)까지

TODAY 2024. 09. 20




우리 일상에 긍정적인 변화를 가져올 창의적인 아이디어와 프로젝트를 매개로 대중과 소통하고자 하는 건축가, 연구자, 엔지니어들을 위한 첫 국제 건축 전시회를 개최합니다.


  • 전시일시 : 2022년 4월 21일(수)~23일(금)
  • 전시장소 : 제주국제컨벤션센터 로비(3층) + 온라인(홈페이지)
  • 전시주관 : 대한건축학회 건축대전위원회 국제건축전분과위원회


No. Project Title Submission By Country
1 It's My Party Wall: A Space-Sharing Chronicle: Open Set: Brian Holland, Andrew Bruno, John Vogt US
2 Aggregate of Rooms Studio Choung: Yong-Su Choung Republic of Korea
3 Rethinking Habitation: Ownerless House in Post Corona Era Korea National University of Transportation, School of Architecture: Woo-Jong Kim
Yeonsung University Department of Interior Architecture: Jiyoon Bae
Republic of Korea
4 Folded House Unfolded Nature Joongwon Architects: Sun-Hyung Kim Republic of Korea
5 Another Home: the Public Library Hongik University, Interface Studios: Jae-Young Lee Republic of Korea
6 Love Without Boundary: A terrain as a large family house for 50 modern families witi9.studio: Witinan Watanasap Thailand
7 HESED@MAPO Sungkyunkwan University, Department of Architecture: Joong-Won Lee Republic of Korea
8 Beyong the River University of Seoul: Jun-Hee Cho Republic of Korea
9 6 Gardens Hannam Universtiy: Hyun-Bo Shin Republic of Korea
10 Triangle House Gyeongsang National University, School of Architecture: Dong-Gyu Kim Republic of Korea
11 House as a place: 5 Houses_scape Korea national University of Transportation, School of Archtiecture: Gi-Mun Seong Republic of Korea
12 Common Rooms Yeonsung Universtiy, Department of Architecture: Kyung-Sik Kim Republic of Korea
13 Gwangju Ecological Culture Village Chosun University: Hyung-Ju Kang Republic of Korea
14 Helmond Brainport Smart District, The Netherlands UNStudio Netherlands
15 Voronoi Village - a townhouse community with shared open spaces Hongik University + THE Architects and Consultants: Sung-Ze Yi Republic of Korea
16 Voluntarily Evolving Living Structure Hongik University + Incheon National University: Yoon-Chun Jung, Eun-Gee Cinn Republic of Korea
17 Another Home: the Public Library Hongik University + Solidstates:
Won-Shok Lee
Republic of Korea
18 Taylor Street Apartments and Little Italy Branch Library Skidmore, Owings & Merrill US
19 Hwasung Dongtan 2 A4-1bl Happy Housing (Long Term Lease Million-Unit Commemoration) HAEAHN Architecture: Se-Han Yoon Republic of Korea
20 Haedamwon Dong-Eui University, Department of Architecture: Ho-Sung Won Republic of Korea
21 서로 연결된 하나의 마을 Now Architects: Suh-Weon Kim Republic of Korea
22 Netwrok City DAAIN Archtiecture & Engineering Republic of Korea
23 Design Autonomy SAPNDA: SungWoo jae Republic of Korea
24 The Rhizome Chronicles Amit Talwar Associate India
25 Home: Living wih Community Konkuk University: Jong-Soo Cho Republic of Korea
26 15 years of collective housing, open block plan in Madrid. 2000-2015 Korea University: Santiago Porras Alvarez Spain
27 Towards A Sustainable Peri Urban Settlement: Notes from the Participatory Development of Rancaekek Wetan Hamlet, Bandung Regency - Indonesia Tunas Nusa Foundation Indonesia